Synthetic Power Cases

This webpage is intended to provide a repository of synthetic power system networks created at UIUC, that are non-confidential and available for public use. The cases will be provided in various formats such as 1) PowerWorld Simulator (*.pwb, *.pwd, *.aux), 2) MATPOWER (*.m), and 3) PSS/E (*.raw, and *.dyr where applicable).

If you have any questions regarding the case(s), contact Adam Birchfield or Komal Shetye.

UIUC 150-Bus System

This 150-bus power system case contain substation geographic coordinates and other parameters useful for geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) studies. Read more …

Texas 2000 – June 2016 Bus System

This 2000 bus power system test case is entirely synthetic, built from public information and a statistical analysis of real power systems. Read more…