Synthetic Power Grid Test Cases

Synthetic power grid models are a large-scale representation of power grids with a detailed modeling of the power system dynamics and protections. They use statistical metrics to mimic the complexity of the real grid but without any confidential data. Researchers can freely use synthetic power grid to test and validate new tools and techniques as on actual power grid. This work is supported by ARPA-E’s GRID DATA program.


BirchfieldK. GegnerTi XuK. ShetyeT. Overbye, “Statistical Considerations in the Creation of Realistic Synthetic PowerGrids for Geomagnetic Disturbance Studies,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Year: 2016, Volume: PP, Issue: 99

GegnerA. BirchfieldTi XuK. ShetyeT. Overbye, “A methodology for the creation of geographically realistic synthetic powerflow models,” in Power and Energy Conf. Illinois, Feb. 2016, pp. 1–6.